Welcome to the forum. The hope is everyone that uses this forum will not only have fun but will also use it as a tool to learn about new things and open their minds. The goal of the forum is to give the fans of the show to congregate and discuss the station, music in general and other topics of interest.
With that said, there are some rules to abide by. It is a known fact people don't like rules. They are however needed to maintain order and to make sure everyone has a wonderful experience posting on the board.
The Rules:
1. Show respect for all members and staff. A disagreement is fine and will happen but do it in a mature manner. Decisions by staff are final. If you have a problem with a staff member, contact the administrators JewelThrone and Rages Goddess with your questions and issues.
2. Keep the threads on topic. If it's related to the original topic, that is fine. But do not completely derail or hijack the conversations as it will discourage comments from other members.
3. Do not spam the forum. One post is enough. If it's a website you want to promote, use the appropriate forum. All spam will be deleted and you will receive a warning.
4. A 3 strike rule will be enforced. After strike 3, you're banned.
5. Porn is banned on the forum. All porn will be deleted.
More rules and changes to the existing rules will happen at the administrator's discretion.